Twilight Princess follows the legendary tradition of Zelda gmes, and brings in some new tweaks as well.

User Rating: 9.3 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
Gameplay(9/10)- Regular Zelda controls, B to attack, A to jump, etc. They work well. You can also use your horse to move faster throughout the game's many areas. Also, there are a variety of suits and equipment to use to meet the environment's conditions. The wolf form is a little boring, but is a great touch overall. Great gameplay.

Graphics(9/10)- The graphics are mind blowing. The faces of the characters look very nice, and the background and scenery look beautiful. They did a really great job on the shading and lighting effects of Link's wolf form too. Beautiful graphics.

Sound(7/10)- The music is pretty attractive. However, there are some bad things here. The battle music can get repetitive, and there is no voice acting. NO VOICE ACTING!?!? By now, Nintendo should have voice acting for any game, even a Zelda one! Also, there is no orchestrated music. =(

Value(10/10)- The value is tremendous. 60 hours of gameplay, maybe even + more if you choose to get each and every single one of the extras and play every one of the mini games. That is a lot of time.

Tilt(10/10)- Overall, this game is a must buy. It IS one of the best of 2006, and even though you may tempted to buy a Wii just for the Wii version, there is almost no difference at all.