A great game but can be better
the main gamin gameplay for link wolf link and horse controlls are no problem, but as soon as you (spoilers) ride on other things the controlls are a little more difficult. But overall there is not much wrong with this.
I have seen better graphics in metroid prime, but they are still pretty good while they can still be smoother like in some areas of the game and other areas are just fine.
pretty decent but Okami was better there was barely any sound in some parts of the game and the speaker on the wii mote was not a problem for me.
Great game the weapons are great but some you never even really use after the temple, but within that the playing of the wolf was fine and not a problem. Also some of the story in the game kind of comes out of no where, but the last boss in okami came out of no where just like this one did. That for any gamecube or wii owner iff you like zelda get this game, if you do not like zelda why bother. that raps this up.