It's pretty cool, but it's not their best. Classic still is the best.
User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
If you like games that take 70 hours to beat. And Games that are pretty mediocre but fun and adventures at the same time, this is it. Since it takes so long to beat, I sort of got sick of the game. But it's really fun and gets you thinking. There are many things you just get sick of though, like how they just go on and on. Zelda games really have no point to them after they made like 15 of them. But it's pretty fun if you like Zelda games.
Besides the point that it's not the best. There are a lot of good things about it. The Wii mote is used very well. Like the sword moves and fishing are sweet. You can also (if you have one) use your Wii Zapper on the game too, sometimes. But if you don't have one, I wouldn't recommend going out and getting one for this game.
Ya, overall, it's a great Zelda game for the Wii.