Twilight Princess is a solid release title for the wii. I would have liked to see a bit more..................

User Rating: 8.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Twilight Princess is a solid release title for the wii. I would have liked to see a bit more out of it though.

I love the Zelda series & I loved playing this game.

After reading countless reviews & giving a few reveiws myself I have learned out of experience that I don't review a game until i have beaten the entirety of the game. One of the reasons is because most of the time when a player rates a game its either all good or all bad depending on the players personal tilt. So i wait to give my reveiw until i beat the game as often i find my personal tilt is more balanced then when i first play the game.

My intial thoughts of the game was that it was a masterpeice. However after playing the game more then 130 hours i think the game is just a solid pick.

I do believe this game is a must buy for any wii owner!

the pros:

1) the Wiimote & nunchuk really make the controls for this game great .

2) the story is interesting & keeps you wanting to play. there is great character development that makes you get involved in the story & makes you actually care about the characters as you progress.

3) the game has a lot of fun side adventures such as ordeals, fishing, looking for bugs & cataching poes.

4) there is a wealth of adventure in this game & the game does take some time to beat. usually 50+ hours

5) I would have loved to go back after i beat the game to see what everyone was up too & what everyone would have said. I was kind of dissapointed that it didn't let you. I didn't really want the story to end.

6) Overall the game is fun & worth playing. Again I reccomend purchaseing this game.

the cons: what i would have liked to have seen different!

1) the game is too easy in many places & leaves the desire for more challenge. I wish the game was as difficult as the ordeals. I really wanted to fight more challenging foes! Even having a room just chocked full of baddies lurking around every corner could have quenched my thirst. 2) often the side adventures do not corelate much with the real game. For instance when catching the poes to help jovani it would be nice if after you caught all them poes you would received a key to a dungeon rather then 200 measly ruppees. It would have been nice if you would have had to catch the biggest fish in the pond in order to get a certain item to beat a certain dungeon.

3) ruppes mean nothing in this game. They also give out hearts like candy in a parade. Often I found that my wallet was always full so most of the treasure i got i couldn't keep. I know that the excess treasure was to abuse the magical suit. However you could just stock up on potion and receive the same exent as the magic suit with a little more insurance. The whole magic suit i found akward and unessacry.

4) often the parts of the game that had the most diffculty were understanding what to do & how to appy the controls. This was really more frustrating then difficult. As once you figured out the controls it was fairly simple to defeat the enemies. I liked the puzzles of the game & some of them do make you think. I would have liked more action though.

5) i was a victim of the canon room gliche. If you end up in the canon room don't quit playing if you save it in that room. Save it somewhere else. This is one of the reasons why i spend 130 hours playing this game. I had to start over after the gliche. 7) I really wanted more old school zelda music. They really didn't give you much tell the credits!

My final thoughts:

This game is like a relationship. Now that i have beaten the game I feel kind of sad cuz i didn't want it to end. I do hope for the next Zelda game that nintendo really steps it up & adds more difficulty esepcially in the area of fighting. I would have liked to have seen ruppes be used more effecticely then just for a magicaly suit. It would also have been nice if they didn't give so much life under every nook & cranny. I would also liked to have seen the side adventures pertain to the real story.

I look forward to the sequel. I can guratnee you that I will be pre ordering the next adventure of Zelda!