If your looking for an amazing game that will last you a VERY long time, this is a must buy.

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Let me start of by saying, this is a great game. It is mostly a puzzle game, but still has tons of action and a great story line with many plot twists.
I'll just start off by saying that this game took me 54 hours and 40 minutes to beat just the storyline, not even getting 100% everything. This is not a bad thing however, not a bad thing at all. When a game this great comes by, you sometimes wish it would last forever, but this sure does last a long time and is worth every minute. If you really tried you could probably beat this in half the time I did, but I like to take my time and explore around rather than only doing exactly what I'm supposed to.
Ok, now that i'm done talking about how great the game is, I'll talk about the other parts of it. First of all, the graphics. They are definitely better than most games on the Wii, but not the best. Overall though, they are good and clean.
The sound is great. You will hear the sound effects of the sword, Link's various grunts and yells (although you never actually hear him talk) and many other great sounds and noises that only make this game that much better.
The controls add a lot to this game, swing the Nunchuck and Remote to do sword attacks, but what is definitely made better by the Wii is the bow and arrow. You simply point at the screen and shoot, but it's surprisingly fun and is easier and quicker that using analog sticks.
All in all, this game is pretty much a must have. Great puzzles, good action, and the fact that it lasts a long time all add up to an awesome game.