there is no such thing as a bad zelda game.
User Rating: 9.8 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
when i picked up this game i already knew i had a great video game before i even started playing. thats whats so great about the zelda series. this one did not disappoint and might even be the best of the series. twilight princess is like a supped up version of ocarina of time(and that can never be a bad thing). the graphics are very well done for the least powerful of all the next gen systems. the sound and the soundtrack draws you into the game. adding the wii controller into the mix makes this game on the level of unbelievable, it just makes a zelda game more exciting to play. in the game itself you should never find your self board because besides the main quests the side-quests keep the game going. hyrule field is huge, there are many hidden items to be discovered within the world to help link whip ass. the temples are great; the puzzles, enemy's, and boss battles are done close to perfection. this game just like the rest of the zelda games should have any gamer happy with their purchase.