The best Wii game to date...still!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
I've had this since it was launched and i'ce completed it once (40 hrs completion) but i've wanted to play it over and over again. This very rarely happens for me ( I've only ever played oblivion again more than twice)

The graphics is the best thing about the game, it looks much better than the original xbox and this is only a launch game!

People may think this is so similar to OoT but i haven't played it (yes, i haven't played thoroughly, only just for a few mins ever) so this was new to me.

The special skills were very useful to use and the use of the remote was good.

The only problem with the game was the ending boss battle, it was the easiest boss battle i've ever done IMO . The sound 'sounded' clanky and unrealistic but u don't expect a launch game absolutely perfect.

Overall, this game is a must buy for any wii owner