Excellent, but not excellent enough!
Fun! Immersive! Challenging! And yet i feel as if im playing an attempted re-make of the legendary Ocarina of Time...
This game at parts can be confusing and i know thats in Zelda tradition to include things like time, space, light and dark and so on but the whole swaping and changing and flipping and turning really went a bit far i think.
Sometimes i feel like the controls are just there to say,
"Hey look at us we're Wii Remotes and we can make your character do THIS!"
And im just thinking... i COULD swipe to the left of the screen and have my character do a swipe to the RIGHT of the screen... OR
i could just press a button...
It is a great game though and i do recommend it im just saying FAT CHANCE to ANYONE who thinks they can make a better SP-RPG then OCARINA OF TIME
thanks for readin