Hmmm...back to Trauma Center.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
This review may not be a knock on the game itself but rather on the range of the Wiimote. If I play this game in my family room or anywhere for that matter where I'm over 5 feet away from the screen i have to stand up. Playing Zelda whilst standing gets old. I feel like I should be able to use buttons on the controller to swing my sword or aim my bow if I want to hang out on the couch. Either that or I should have a shield and sword strapped to my arm while I Link-out. By the time I finish the game I would probably be in tri-athalon shape.

Ok so there's that and there's also the lame-o graphics. I know I know but it's hard when I go from the 360 and the PS3 then hop on this...I feel like I need Lasik with the blur factor and weaksauce textures.

So the game's pretty fun all in all though...if you have a Wii its like the short dude at EB Games with all the facial piercings says, "It's a no brainer." But could they have done a little better? I mean when it boils down to it it is a GAMECUBE port...seriously...a game cube port? you couldn't dream up a Zelda Wii exclusive Miyamoto? You're slacking dude.