Twilight Princess is Da Bomb
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
I have played and beaten this game and I still love it to death. This game is great the reason i say this is because it has a great storyline and the adventure is long but not two long its ending is great. The controls are pretty basic and easy to learn. The dungeons are deffinately crazy awesome bosses are fairly easy.If you are not into action, puzzles, and adventure games this is not for you. This game comes for either wii or gamecube. I have it for the gamecube and honestly the only difference is that the map is on the complete opposite side for the wii. on the wii it is left on the gcube it is right. I have probably played for 61 or more hours and i beat the game at like 41 hours so i cant get enough of this game it is so good. Ireccomend game cube version though only because wii reviews were slightly less than the gamecube one and i love the gamecube one i plan on buying the wii one as well. That about sums it up if you have any Q just message me sorry it is so long.