Pretty fun game.

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
The game Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is actually fun. I normally prefer the games like Wind Waker, 4 swords adventure, or Ocarnia of Time. The games when Link was just a kid. This game was very fun it is very long which gives you alot of time to beat it and you can run around in places whenever you like depending on what your supposed to do. This game shows that Link has finally grew up and matured. The fun parts of the game are when you can go into the village and play the Star Games or when you go into the fishing hole and play the game Rollgoal ok now that game is hard. You have to now how to keep the balance between you and the WII remote. The bosses in it are at times hard or easy too but fun to beat. Like the monkey with the boomerang you have to slash its but many times to defeat now that part of the game was funny. It is also fun when you can turn Link into wolf Link. Wolf Link has speacial abilities like he can sense any smell and track down any enemy, friend, or fish. Through out the game you can collect rupees which are what people and Link use as money. You can buy many things with them like Bombs and arrows or any potion or drink to nourish your health. My most favorite part of the game is beating Zant it may be a little hard but Zant is hillarious. Zant makes very funny sounds when he attacks or whenever he gets hit. The music in the game is very addicting. I pretty much like all the songs in it especially the song when Link and every body else is happy.
Sound 10/10
Game 9/10
Effect 7/10
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