Is this better than OoT???Yes.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
And there is one good reason why :you can snowboard with a Yeti.Okay,so that is not the real reason its better.In fact,there is no one reason its better.It just is.Let's see now........Is it worth the wait?Yes.What's more,it proves that a long delay can be a good thing.After playing this,I expect good things out of delayed games.Another question: is it worth your time??Yes.Its worth a lot of your time,because the game contains so much content that its likely you will be playing for more than 60 hours,even if you don't try to unlock everything it has to offer.The gameplay is terrific.After playing on Wii,any other control scheme for a Zelda game just won't feel right.The graphics definetely exceed expectations.I know OoT was the first Zelda in 3D,and this is the 4th,but until we get games in 4D,this is the best Zelda title yet.