Well... it's a rather bland game to say the least.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Zelda fans will be happy to get an enjoyable gamecube port, that includes motion sensoring and slightly better graphics, as well as better control. But Zelda fans may be the only ones that can truly enjoy this game.

As a person who has played the main console games, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, as well as the gba and ds ones, it's hard not to do a little comparison. But even without the comparison, this game does fall short on standards a bit.

Yes, the graphics have been updated somewhat, and have even given the game a T rating for "realism" (dont ask me I dont see it). But the graphics arent anything too spectacular. In any case, the game starts off similar to other Zelda games, in which you go out and do a few challenges before donning the "Link" title and clothes. Then it's of to the generic dungeons and puzzles that fans of that genre love. The music is heavily reminiscent of older Zelda titles, and it gets to the point to frustration on a lack of better remixed tunes, if new ones cant be provided

The game mechanics are interesting, especially since it's a Wii launch game, so swinging the remote around has been fun, however tiresome others may think it is. But the story does fall short, as it has no where near the interest that can captivate viewers. One of the hindrances is the fac that there's absolutely no spoken dialogue, except for Midna's rather arousing Japanes voice. You really cant feel much for silent characters in this day and age, and while it's a given that Link should never talk, at least making Zelda or THE "bad guy" have a voice or such.

Well, one has to get the game himself to be able to judge. Fans of the series can rejoice, for they have finall gotten their "Ocarina with updated graphics". It's too bad it didnt get an update in sound qualities, and other drawbacks