just wasn't what I was hoping for.

User Rating: 8.9 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess... One Zelda to rule them all. Or at least thats what they wanted you to think with all the months of pulse pounding trailers, delays, and hype. But Twilight Princess is just your average Zelda with slightly higher standards. Thats not to say TP is a bad game. No, not at all a bad game. It just didn't meet the hype in my book. Let me explain, starting from the beginning to the end without any major spoilers. The start many of you already know; you are a simple farmboy in a simple little village leading a simple, little life. If Link's everyday life is anything like the games prolouge, he would probably have killed himself by now. I put the difficulty at easy only because I progressed through the game at a relatively smooth pace with few difficulties; if I could, I would put easy and hard. The village was one of those few, hard difficulties. doing chores for all the folk of the town would be nice and all if they didn't leave the keystone to completing everything so well hidden; the fact that you can get on top of the purple-roofed building AKA the shop, was to obscure for me to notice. on top of all that, I get everything done, finally get my sword (even if it is wooden) only to find out that attacking with the wii-mote is crude and stupid. it really hurt when I was watching a friend play, only to see that he simply shook the wii-mote like he was waving his finger at someone for doing something wrong. and winning. even piled ON TOP OF THAT, those rude, and disrespectful little kids demand MY SWORD from me in order to continue with the game. that hurt to. yatta yatta yatta story line yatta yatta wake up in a dank dark cell yatta I'm now some imp's b!tch. Looking back, Link is a wuss in this game. he's ordered around by kids half his age, he's an underling to the village idiot, his girlfriend steals his horse from him on occasion, and now he's got some freaky chick a third his size, chasting him for his stupidity and glimmers of intelligence with sarcasm. all the while not telling him anything important or substantial about why they are pursuing what she wants. that just makes the dungeons feel less important to me. this time around the have almost enough dungeons to satisfy me (majora's mask had way to few), but they stil passed without any real signifigant effort. they were still challenging, I just didn't feel that special when I conquered the dungeon. the water temple is hard and did actually put a strain on me, but, ah I can't describe it. it wasn't a breeze, but it usually wasn't obscenly difficult, and calling it "just right" wouldn't suffice either. to be honest, the most challenge I got was trying to beat gannon. and even then, once I figured out what I was missing, he became a breeze. I could go on and on all night about my various dislikes about this version, but your eyes probably hurt by now anyways. the conclusion? yes, its fun. yes, you will scratch your head at some puzzles. no, completing them just dosen't feel rewarding. and most importantly, do not believe that this is or ever will be the greatest zelda; just have a good time with it and maybe pop it in evey once in a while. I only mentioned the bad things because thats probably what you were looking for.