Misses some graphical appeal..
"Misses some graphical appeal" Hmm, it that the only negative thing I can come up with? The truth is...yeah...well, maybe the sound from the controller is a little cheap, but it works. The rest of this games doesn't really have flaws in my opinion.
So, my review huh? I started with the negative points stated above, so I could spend the rest of this review writing how great this game is.
Ok, I'm a complete Zelda nuub. I never played ANY zelda game(start laughing, I was to busy playing RTS games on my PC back then, and the gamecube version of zelda didnt appeal to me)>
So, I bought this game, because I wanted to buy a new console with new possibilities, instead of better graphics only. Zelda was a good choice since the Wii doenst have that much and good launch games imo.
So, I was all new to the game, I wasn't a complete retard I knew some story stuff from zelda so:) I started playing and ennjoyed the style of gaming alot! Some combat, some platforming, some puzzels, a cool boss battle, and all that mixed into a nice setting. Yep, it's the last game of zelda that got me into zelda. Ironic isnt it?:)
The whole control thing with the wiimote and nun-chuck where new, but it didnt took me very long to master it, and once I did, I loved it! All the people that complain about getting numb arms....go out more and train some muscles you wussies:D
So, a bit of a conclusion;
-The graphics need polishing, alot of it.
-The sound in the Wiimote is really cheap, but it works...
So, this is what I think of this game:) Hope you had a good read and I hope this was a bit usefull in your possible purchace of the game.