Most people say this game is awesome but I think this game is pretty boring.
User Rating: 6.7 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
The new Legend of Zelda (princess one) was a pretty lame game in my mind. I only spent a little time with it. But that little time was enough to make me stop playing the game. Here on GameSpot I rated it a 6.7. I would of rated a 5.2 but gave it one more because it let me get on a horse and hit it in the ass. After I got off the horse I did some boring crap then got on the horsey again and hit it in the ass some more. The controls were also sometimes hard to control. Don't ask me why Game Informer rated this game a 10. I hated talking to people half the frickin time on that game. Overal this game is pretty cool if you like to blow a horn to make a bird come and pick up a barrel out of the water, run aroud to snatch a letter from a cat that barely meens anything, smash some vegies and pumpkins, or make the children happy by shooting some arrows out of your bow which makes the kids jump up in joy saying how cool you are. If you like all that crap then this is the perfect game for you.