The 1 that started the series.... basically if it wasn't for this game you wouldn't have all the great Zelda games today

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda NES
Now, first of all, the most important thing to note.... any gamer who puts this Zelda game down for any reason didn't start playing games until the later eras, especially the PS1 and N64 eras and onward. Basically what I am saying is don't knock this game new school gamers because if it wasn't for the original Zelda--Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and all the other sequels that were spawned from the original would have never been for all of us to enjoy. Appreciate the roots of where the later games came from.

As you all can tell I am an old school gamer from way back when the Atari 2600 was the main thing going. When the NES was released I was drooling over the console and even more so when I finally got one shortly after its release here in the states. When the first Zelda was released I really didn't know what to expect seeing how any game released at that time was new to the public. I rented this game first to try it out and after I completed the first couple of dungeons I got addicted quickly. I didn't want to take the game back but I did and bought it that same day. You talking about a frustrating game that took hours to complete the first time playing thru. You got to remember new school gamers we didn't have the luxury of STRATEGY GUIDES back in the day like we have today. You had to figure this game out on your own. Nintendo Power magazine did release an issue that had maps for this game which helped out alot and some strategies but that was about it. For the ones at that time who didn't subscribe to Nintendo Power, many of long nites playing this game. Although this game wasn't easy, it wasn't entirely difficult once you learned where everything was and what was needed at what time. Like the flute for the Eye boss in the level 5 dungeon during the first quest. It took me days to figure that one out. The over head graphics for its time was awesome. The size of the world and placement of hidden heart containers, shops, and hidden dungeons was unheard of in that time. Well except for Metroid. There was nothing like this game which right there makes it a one of a kind game. I don't think its fair to judge this game against newer games today just by the fact every thing has to start somewhere. Unfortunately most people who don't appreciate where these games today originally came from judge older games in this fashion. So when you pop in Ocarina of Time or Wind Waker for another play thru or go out and purchase the new Zelda in a few months think about this game. Then you will start to appreciate where the elements of those games came from and that right there tells you what a masterpiece, one of a kind game The Legend of Zelda for the NES truely is.