Not as good as some of the later Zelda games...

User Rating: 4 | The Legend of Zelda NES
In all fairness to the Legend of Zelda, for some strange reason (poor eyesight, or just plain lazy reading) I though I was downloading Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. Let me start off by saying that while I enjoyed systems before the SNES, I feel that the SNES was the first system where the majority of games had the potential to be classics. Classics existed before then to be sure. Defender, Pacman, others… but as a whole the SNES (and other 4th gen systems) brought to video gaming a whole new outlook. Having said that I was somewhat let down by my purchase of Legend of Zelda. I will admit that I have not been able to get far into the game, but on the other hand that’s because I can’t really get into the game. The graphics are just a little too simplistic for my taste. The sounds annoy me and the game play seems a little tedious. I won’t take it off my Wii just yet, I will give it a second chance, but if you are looking to play a blast from the past Zelda game, I would recommend a Link to the Past for your blast.