Best Game of Its Time

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda NES
The Legend of Zelda for the NES was the best game of its time next to Super Mario Brothers. It was a great game from the day it came out. Just playing the game on the original NES controller makes the experience a lot more enjoyable. Any old school gamer can tell you that. The first time I palyed this game was on the Zelda bonus Disc that was included with the Gamecube. I bought a Gamecube and I have never really heard of it before except from my friend Cloud551. In case you have not realized he is a big Zelda fan. He talked about it for awhile and I eventually played it. After playing it on the Gamecube and finding out it was a lot of fun I found out that my cousin had it on the NES. He let me play it a couple times and it was awsome.