LOTR conquest review- the lowdown

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest PS3
The game is very much like battlefront except without the jetpacks and blasters. The gameplay is very simple to use eg: warrior- square light sword attack, triangle- medium sword attack and so on. There are 4 classes to choose from, the warrior, the scout, the archer and the mage. The scout has a very cool move. It can go invisible when you hold L1. While you are invisible you can go behind someones back and secretly backstab them. The archer can use poison arrows, to slow down the enemy and take health away from him. He can also use fire arrows to knock enemies on the floor, it is very lethal when shot at the head; the last special ability is the multi-arrrow.With this ability the archer can fire multiple arrows at a number of enemies. The mage is an interesting class, he can use lightning bolts to strike enemies. Restore allies health, cast fire rings, and produce a shield which enemies can't penetrate with projectiles. In the game you can also use horses and wargs, to ride on. You can slash enemies while on the horse or warg, by pressing square to slash on left and triangle to slash right. Lastly the maps. The maps range from medium to large landscape. They have great detail put into them. My last words on the game would be is that the game is great for people who like star wars battlefront, and LOTR fans everywhere.