Can't help feeling bad for good old Tolkien...
User Rating: 3 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
This game is bad,seriously bad; and i know i can be quite picky about the games i play,but i had really high hopes for this one, at lest in keeping up with the book, or the movies. First of all the difficulty is aggravating: friendly NPCs work against you, add to that orcs, constantly spawning in 10s or 5s, and you get frustrating battles that have nothing in common with being epic. Honestly, i liked previous games like "The Two Towers" and especially "The return of the King" a lot better, they were very well made, and fighting was fluid and unique to each character. Plus what happened to the sprays of black blood orcs had in those games, i really loved it, i know they were trying to cut down on the visuals to keep this game internet friendly,but come on! Characters have really disgusting voices, why won't they rather shut up,annoying costrato Frodo, and Gandalf who seems to have something stuck up his rectum: "I am GANDALF"- what the hell is this!? I didn't expect much from Legolas, but they ruined his voice too, and his lines are ridiculous- "This is one dangerous elf!". Anyways, i watched all the movies in a few days before buying this game, you know, just to harden the impact, but damn, was that a bad idea! I lost all the respect for the characters, and the game itself was shorter than two movies in gameplay!Visuals are bad,controls are bad,voices suck,gameplay is short,battles are unepic and frustrating,character models suck big time.
Don't buy this game,should you play a demo the game is far worse than that!
PS:The sounds that bows make in the game is nothing like in the movie, so it sucks too!