Quite simply, The Lord of the Rings Conquest is a fun game but falls short on so very many levels - graphics to name one

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
Playing The Lord of the Rings Conquest is very similar to Star Wars Battlefront, just without guns. With only a slight graphical update from Battlefronts sequel, Conquest seems to almost look good, but then doesn't really get there. With Howard Shore's amazing score, Hugo Weaving's little dialogues, and the clips from The Lord of the Rings , the game does immerse you into Tolkien's universe. But the game really doesn't do the franchise justice. Again, the game is enjoyable, if repetitive, and fans of the books/movies and the Star Wars Battlefront games will feel a home. But really, it could have been so much better. The classes could have been far more balanced, glitches could have been fixed, and the whole repetitive nature of the game could have been sidestepped. So, the bottom line is it should be played if you like any of Pandemics previous games or Tolkien's works, just maybe rent it or wait until the price drops (you won't have to wait long) - check Circuit City...

Gameplay - lots of button-mashing, and repetitive, unbalanced 7
Graphics - far away looks good, not so good closer up 6
Multiplayer - like SW Battlefront, 9
Story - two different campaigns, but short 8.5

Overall - 7.5