A good game but is it all quite there.

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
Playing single player had me frustrated in some parts and with a rather large grin in others (killing hobbits). There are four of the most basic classes ever to grace the fantasy world (mage, Warrior, rouge and archer) Each of the classes has there one strengths and weaknesses as usual but they all play the same, I would have expected the devs to add some customization commonly found in newer games of the same sub genre. The single player campaign has some really epic moments but at the same time there are some moments where the only real way to get passed is to run through it as a scout in stealth. Either way in short I enjoyed the gameplay but some might not however playing with a buddy is always fun.

This isn't crysis but with a 150 npcs on screen the game does pretty well and still manages to look pretty good there are some graphical differences between the 360 and the PC the latter being the better.

The music is amazing and the sounds of battle do pretty well however all the npcs for some reason feel the need to dye with the same scream how they do it I wouldn't know.