An awseoe game, but it has a fair amount of flawes. Very similar to the Star Wars: Battlefront series.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
LOTR: Conquest is a pretty cool and the best in the LOTR series, in my opinion. The graphics are great, which is to be expected. There are a farir amount of playable characters, levels, and syles of gameplay; multiplayer, singleplayer, or online. It takes a while to really get tired of the game, due to the variety of gameplay options.
You can play in almost every level in the movies, from the Black Gates of Mordor to Minas Tirith. Like the Batlefront series, there are hereos to play as but a lot more to choose from, such as Sauruman, Gimli, etc. and the not so well known ones, like Wormtounge and Eowyn. Besides the 4 main troop classes (warrior, mage, scout and archer) you can also play as trolls, ents, ride horses and wargs, and control catapaults and ballistaes depending on which level you play in. When playing as a hero, there si no time limit as to how long you can play as the hro, but you only get the chance to be the hero onece in a battle.
In campaing mode, you can play as the evil or good forces, but you must beat the good campaign to play the evil one. A campaign mission is longer than a normal batle, but is usually easier, as most of the enemies are weak grunts that can be killed with two or three blows.the battles get harder as you get further, of course. The last level of the evil campaign is particularily evil as it takes place in the Shire, but I won't say any more.
So, in short, LOTR: Conquest is a good game depending on what you like with a lot of variety, but it has a lot of bad things too that can be overlooked.