Really good game read on for more details...
User Rating: 9 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest PS3
This game is the game lord of the rings fans were waiting for! The graphics could use a little work though. Lord of the Rings conquest is a game where you play as a normal foot soldier and fight orcs or humans depending on which side you choose. The classes are pretty simple, mage uses magic but is weak to basicaly any attack but has a shield, scout is stealthy and has a back stab attack and is somewhere in the middle when it comes to its life, warrior is strong and very durable but can be picked off by an archer easily, archer can easily head shot any of these classes but when it comes to close quarter combat they are doomed. The game goes by the movies so the plot is that you play through some famous battles BUT in the evil campaign (which you earn after you beat the normal campaign) you play through what would happen if Frodo failed and the ring was reclaimed by sauron (the last level of which is so awesome, you actually get to PILLAGE the Shire!). Other than that the game is basicaly a lord of the rings battlefront. Over all this game gets a 9.0!!