Great game with amazing environment. gives you the feeling of being totally imersed in world of tolkien.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar PC
Fantastic game. Just started last weekend. at first the side quests and the prologue may make the game look like any other mmo. like go kill 10 wolves and il give you a new sword. but once you get into the main story it all starts to kick. I just started book 1 last night and when i saw aragorn and the ring wraiths , i pretty much concluded that this game is the best mmo. i like that is uses a story the average person has been exposed to either from the books or movies. the story really distingiushes itself from games like WoW with the generic fantasy orcs and elfs concept. the graphics are also a really good point to. its very realistic, the environment is breath taking and nothing looks childish and cartoonish like in WoW. I reccomend this game. its worth 15 bucks a month. Ive only been playing since last friday and im hooked and already pre-purchased the expansion.