Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-męnu!

User Rating: 10 | The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria PC
well what can i say (apart from sorry for bad spelling :).
the shadows of angmar is one of the top mmo's out there and mines of moria is if not the best then a close second best expansion to ever come for an mmo.

what 1st drew me in was i needed to get away from WOW, (i am also a big love of the books and movies), so i got in and was hooked.

you get to go to bree, rivindail, the shire and many more places and now with this expansion you can go to the original dungion, and go to Lothlorien (not got there yet).

the graphics in moria are stunning, the attention to detail, when you walk in there are the 100 stairs that the fellowship climb and yes i counted and there are 100, the vastnes of Moria is mind boggeling, monsters fit in with there suraundings.

there are 3, 6 and 12 man instances that are perfect for every play style and they are all very well maid with a good story.

the two new classes (not played much of them) to what i have played are very enjoyable (liked the warden the most) they both implement new styles of playing and to what i have heard very fun.

legendary Items to me is one of the best things in the expansion, they are items that have there own xp and level up, you apply different objects to them that give them different propertys, the system is very deep and fun to play around with.

they have also changed the combat a little so that you cant get to 100% in block, parry and evaid, most classes are now more squishy, some are calling this a nerf but it needed to be implimented so that you dont get guradians (the tanks) blocking every attack, and things are now more of a challange.(thats a good thing btw)

well that was quite long (sorry :),
but to sum up. GET IT!
Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-męnu!
Axes of the dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you!

(ye i like Dwarves with axes lol)