Hands down, for my money, the best MMORPG to date.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar PC
I really want to keep this brief. LOTRO's PvE is simply unmatched. It is also, IMHO, the prettiest MMO to date. It just oozes beauty and you can get lost just staring at the landscape. Fighting mobs never really gets stale or becomes a grind and you are basically gradually "raiding" throughout the life of your character rather than waiting for end-game nonsense. The PvP is definitely lacking, but fun.

It has been said many times before that Turbine did a wonderful job with the lore, and I admit that before the game was in beta I was scared that they were just trying to capitalize off the IP. I was VERY wrong.. I have been a player on and off(as with all my MMO's) since beta.. But it certainly is my favorite of all time(apart from maybe my experiences with Dark Age of Camelot beta until ToA).

Anything else you'd like to know, feel free to message me!