LOTRO is all it was expected to be and more....It's so polished it feels like its been out for over a year already.

User Rating: 9.4 | The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar PC
I had huge expectations for this game. It exceeded them in every way. I've played EQ, EQ2, WOW, Vanguard (ugh..), SWG, EVE and s a few others and no other MMO has felt so polished on release as this one. I've read some of the reviews in here on some people giving this game a score of 1-4 and don't let them fool you. They are probably WOW fanboyz who are worried about the potential of LOTRO and want to bring down the overall score for it. Any idiot that says the games graphics aren't amazing and completely immersive is either blind or is just plain lying or is running a 486DX from 1995. The game's atmosphere is so immersive and "middle earth" like that you will find yourself just standing there looking around and just admiring the world that was built for this game. The gameplay is right on too. Yes it feels a little like wow's combat system but who cares. If you want to play a game that is immersive and polished amd breathes Middle Earth then give this game a try. You will not be dissapointed.