Ignore The Haters This Game ROCK
User Rating: 10 | The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar PC
Ok yea, it's a dumbed down MMO like WoW, and I'd rather have it be more like the original EQ but who cares. People whine and complain, this is a copy of Wow wahhhh. Well Wow is basically a copy of EQ and all other MMO's before it. People who complain about the graphics and gameplay running? Ok, Bree lags your comp up if you have a mediocre computer, but when I go to my bro's house and play his comp on Ultra High, this game is close to Oblivion beautiful. Compared to WoW's 90's cartoon graphics? Haha. The gameplay is aswome and the pure fact that it's lord of the rings just makes it even better. Ok haters, if your only excuse is it runs bad (ur comp stinks) or its a WoW copier (Wow's a big copy already hipocrit) then your argeement is invalid find a better one. Those who think there is no mass PvP. cry me a river not everythings perfect. Sparring is very fun especially when Kinships hold tournaments and that's all the PvPing ive played. And monster play rocks too, its basicaly like faction battles from GW only better.