another great strategy game made by EA games
User Rating: 9.1 | The Lord of the Rings: Tactics PSP
this lord of the rings game fullfills all of your fantasy dreams, not all you pervert, i mean being able to control hordes of orcs and attack the great walls of minas tir ith. this game is lacking some, and has minor, MINOR glitches like freezing, which i dont know if its happened to you guys but my psp glitches. it freezes every month, its crazy. any way this game is for hardcore lord of the rings fans and new comers alike. now all they have to do is make a star wars game with this games genre. moving on, gameplay can get boring, but most of the time it is fun. sound is....ok. graphics are great on the handheld and once again PSP KILLS DS IN THE GAME RUN. listen gamers, dont bother with the ds, its hazardous, theres no good line ups for it. but you must get this game for the psp because it is very fun and addicting.