The Best RTS ever played in my life!!
User Rating: 9.6 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II PC
The Battle for Middle Earth II is a RTS for the computer and it is made by EA. You remember a few years ago came out with the first Battle for Middle Earth that was made by EA. The graphics of the game is good if you have the power to put it on the higher graphics setting, but if you have it on a lower setting it has the graphics of the first Battle for Middle game. On the higher graphics you get a new archer range for the men of the west. The game also has good sound acting and it really shows in your create a hero, but the old heros from the old game still use the actors from the movie. The game play is great if you play on a medium or hard because the AI does not do what you think it is going to do. It does get annoying because the AI never build walls during skirmishes so it may get to easy to destroy their base if you can get close enough to their base to kill most of the units they make before they get to your base. The game also has better powers from the first Battle for Middle Earth like the watcher in the water and the barrage powers, but keeps some of the older powers like army of the dead and heal. There is one problem in the game play is the Elves are way to powerful with their arrow upgrade. The campaign is kind of short of the two campaigns together it took me about 14 hours. The thing that keeps me playing is the medals you get for your create a hero. The game is really worth 49.99.