The games dynamics have been improved, a good RTS worthy of even just one look.

User Rating: 8.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II PC
Well since i got BFME 1, i played with my friends and a few weeks later, we found the game to be majorly unbalanced, what with patch 1.03 coming out we stopped playing until it did.. unfortunately as many of you know the patch took a good few months about 5 to be exact, to be released and many of us just deleted the game or stopped playing because of major imbalance..

Now i am glad to say with BFME 2, all the balance has been sorted out and the good times in multiplayer can go on, i buy RTS games mostly for multiplayer so my review here is mostly for multiplayer.

The game has 6 sides, that alone makes the game worth a look.. and if you're like me who likes variety in their games, then this is perfect. Everything and i mean everything from the first game has been worked on.. and improved.

Good graphics, decent sound, and overall good strategy gameplay make this a winner for anybody interested in lanning with a few friends or playing online.