Please Read this cool Lord of the rings review of battle for middle earth 2

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II PC
Hi My Name is Lachlan
I am doing are view of this game. I would recomend to get this game. It is awsome. I play it all the time. Mosl of the lord of the rings games anre really good. The reason it is awsome is because you can make a huge army. You can get really good heroes. It is better than the witch king game. Get this 1. It is better. Gandalf is really strong. It is the best game. My friends play it aswell. It is 1 of the best games of lord of the rings. If you go on to cheat planet and type in lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 it will have some hints. It really all this fun. nothing near as fun as GTA 4. They is the best game ever and will always be the best game ever. So dont sit down and pplay lord of the rings. Get ya sel;f an ps3 or xbox360. I am doing that
Thanks for reading.