Changes a few things, for better and worse.

User Rating: 9.2 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II - The Rise of the Witch-King PC
Well i got the expansion a week ago, and I've finished the Campgain ( There are 8 missions). I have recently discovered some of the changes from BFME2 to ROTWK. Melee infantry (Not Calvary) attack some what slower and their animation is fuzzier when they attack, i think EA did this so that it would not cause so much lag when playing a say 3v3 or 8 ppl FFA. Most of the aspects are good in this game. They added a new archer feature which i think most Archer units have that allows you to fire a large volley of arrows anywhere in the map, with a long long cooldown, it has a large range, but the downside is that you cannot attack with the archers for about a min after you do it. The new Angmar faction is pretty balanced, they have their ups and downs. The only thing about this game that has frustrated me is the Multiplayer Online. Usually every game that you join you will find someone who cannot connect, or has really bad ping, and if your on a firewall like me, you won't be able to host. I tried everything. I openned all ports, disabled all firewalls and still can't host. Don't get me wrong, playing online is lots of fun, just finding a good game with good pings, and people who can connect is kinda hard :)