LOTR:TBFME2:TROTWK looks great at first...but dissapointing gameplay. Please read on.
Fun fact: Did you know that 'Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth: The Rise of the Witch King' has the longest game title of all video games ever? (15 words!)
Anyways, after playing the first few missions in the campaign and some skirmishes, I found that LOTRTBFM is very imbalanced. Sure, there are 6 factions with lots of units that have been attempted to be balanced by EA, it just doesn't have the magic of RTS games like Warcraft or Starcraft.
That doesn't mean that this isn't a good game. The graphics look really nice for such an old game, and the hero editing mode is really neat. the campaign modes are pretty detailed but nonetheless have a weak story.
I have the say that the two best things about this game are both the Conquest mode where it's sorta like 'Risk' (I haven't played in a while so I've forgotten most of the names) where you fight for control of the land by strategecally producing and moving units in the land you control, and the other good thing is the multiplayer. Playing the Conquest mode with others feels like playing a military board games when you were a kid, which is really neat.
Here are some Pros and Cons of LOTRBFME2:
1. Nice graphics for a 2006 game.
2. Lots of soldiers per squad makes the battles feel almost like games from the 'Total War' series.
3. 6 factions, each with different units, buildings, and support skills.
4. Huge maps.
5. A huge variety of game modes.
6. A mode that allows you to make your own hero.
7. Two great campaigns.
8. Very fun multiplayer.
1. Though it sorta 'feels' balanced, the gameplay isn't like one of the highly-balanced Blizzard RTS games.
2. Campaign mode has a weak story.
3. Though units from each faction are different, their skills and roles all appear to be the same.
4. Not many maps to choose from for skrimish.
5. Buildings get destroyed too easily.
6. Calvary can waste entire armies of foot soldiers.
7. Heroes are slightly overpowered, but stil bulky and uncomfortable to use.
8. Hard to get the general hold of the gameplay.
Conclusion: feels great at the start, but every experienced RTS gamer will find that the gameplay is a bit unbalanced and bland. Still, it's a game worth playing if you ever get it as a gift for your birthday!
My final review:
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Graphics: 9/.510 (for its time)
Story: 6/10
Multiplayer: 8.8/10
Fun: 7-8/10 (depends who you are)
Time total: about 3-9 hours for a regular guy to get bored
Learing curve: Almost impossible, but about an hour of skirmish
Control: 7.9/10
Interaction: 6.8/10
Violence: 7/10
Funniness: 4/10 (for the obviously fake heroic voices)
'Cool'ness: 9.5/10 (I have to say that the mass warfare is pretty cool)
Unique: 8/10 (a combo between Warcraft and Total War is pretty unique)
Worth your money: not really (but yes back when it just came out)
Final rating: 2 and a half stars)