Sets a new standard for console RTS's'ss
The controls, the most important factor here, are surprisingly easy. I still have to admit, though, the keyboard and mouse is just more intuitive. I think it would have been a good idea to bundle this with some kind of cordless keyboard / mouse deal with the 360 and make it work with these functions. Of course, that would make it a lot more expensive and more of a niche product, so I can see why they didn't do that.
The graphics exhibit a good level of detail and only look a little less impressive when you're zoomed right up close to units, which isn't practical anyways. Even on the fastest PC these units still look blocky because they're only constructed from a limited number of polygons. This makes it possible to have so many on the screen at once in large battles.
Any of the complaints people make regarding framiness, stuttering, or jittery shadows are all problems that are not unique to the console version of this game. Think about it, the 360 really is a juiced up PC with a stripped down OS, so it's bound to have similar bugs as the PC version of the game. It runs as well as it runs on a high end PC with a GIG of RAM and a $400 video card (give or take a frame here or there). So don't blame that on the 360's processing power.
I did notice slightly better performance and better looking shadows when I set 360 to 720p instead of the usual 1080i that I use for most games. Try it, you might find it looks a little better.
For a console RTS, this game completely obliterates any previous bar that had been set for console RTS games. If you've never played an RTS before, this would be the game to try it out on. And XBOX live means you'll always have someone to play against.