sequel to the higly popular bfme on PC

User Rating: 9.1 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II X360
we all know that rts games dont work on videogame consoles but this one works on consoles and if you spend some time learning the controls you will eventually get used to them.but some of us [like me]take a while and when i say a while i mean never get used to not using a mouse.its wise this game exels the way the waer ripples as you send a fleet of ships to destroy some city.the frame rate is very good also as i never expierienced any slow down in the game.the campaigns will keep at you at the game for a while and some of the missions are very impressive[dol guldur]let alone the skirmishes which let you widley experiment with diffrent armies so its safe to say that this game has some replay is pretty good also but a lot of people either dont know how to play the game or will leave early.i met a guy who didnt know how to make units.ea have also introduced some new levels along with the last game and on xbox live more levels will be available for download.all in all a great game but if you are like me get the pc version instead