This game was surpisingly great

User Rating: 9.4 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
This game I was a little skeptic to buy because I was dumb enough to buy the other LOTR strategy game, The war of the Ring, because the one previous was not at all what it was cracked up to be, I wanted that game to be a whole lot like this one made by EA. This one is spectacular. The visuals are amazing, and the gameplay is a ton of fun. Plus if your a diehard fan of the series of movies, like myself, you must own this game. Ties in very much with the story line plus you get to have on your side the MUMAKIL, those big elephants from the movie! Plus how you get to keep your units from the previous mission really adds more strategy to the game because in other games you can just send your units on suicide missions and not have to worry about it because you get a clean slate next mission. Overall I love this game and if you are a fan of the series you wont be disappointed.