This is a game which, from the outside looks very pretty, unfortunaly is home to some gameplay problems.
I will start with the story mode. When I first entered this mode i was pleasently suprised to see how nicely set out it was. I selected the first mission for the Good campaign and got going into the depths of Moria. I must admit to really enjoying the first mission, and this put the game in good stead in my eyes. Making my way through Moria was not only thrilling, but i found myself having to actually be tactical, using Legolas to take out enemies from afar. Playing against the Bulrog at the end was fun as well, and seeing Gandalfs lightning blast for the first time was a thrill.
From here onwards the single player gameplay becomes repetitive and monotonous. Each single player mission seems to follow the same pattern of 'Destroy the Enemy camps'. This seems fun for a while, but soon you find youself becoming tierd at doing the same over and over. The only real difference between each map is obviously the different terrain, but also the enemy skill level, which does increase as you go through.
Some of the major battles are dissappointing as well, with Helms Deep not being at all what it should be and Minas Tirith being pretty lame as well in terms of book values. As you come to the end of the single player campaign you will find youself not wanting to perform the dark sides tasks, as they dont vary much.
Now i move onto multiplayer. This is where the game should hit the spot and does to a certain extent. Its pretty thrilling, but due to a problem with Firewalls and connecting, it is ruined slightly. When you finally get into a game you find yourself needed to get a good start, or you will be finished pretty quick.
My major moan about the multiplayer is the fact that certain teams are way more powerful that others. Admitedly there is always some way to get into your enemies base if you are good enough, but there is not enough support for newbies, which will not know strategies. I found Gondor to be way too powerful when it came to defences and Mordor too powerful when it came to attacking.
Building bases is, obviously, the first thing you do in a multiplayer match. This is nothing like a typical westwood style RTS. There are building points on which oyu can build. you are only given a certain number, and must knock down other buildings if you need somthing built which a building is dependant. This works well in single player, but in multplayer it become to restricted. You cannot set your base out the way you wish. This would have worked better if you were given a restricted area to build, rather than restricting to building points. I feel this weakens defence in a way, which is undiscribable unless you play the game for yourself.
The heroes are obviously very intricle to the gameplay, with each faction having their own heroes. These heroes come in handy for different reasons, and each heroe does help, if you know how to use them. For example a measly Hobbit can stand near a building point and cloak, leaving the enemy no way of capturing the building point untill they kill the Hobbit. Some heroes are too powerful i feel. Gandalf for example, at level 10, can kill nearly any unit on the screen with his world of power move. He can also destroy gates on Bases with his lightning blast. His Istari light move can destroy Nasguls and Eagles in one hit. This sometimes leaves a match incredibly unbalanced when playing against 2 Gondor armies with superior defence and superior heroes.
As for the game as a whole i feel it is worth a play, however is much much better in multiplayer. Even though there are some flaws tha game plays pretty well. I enjoyed playing many games online, and am looking foward to getting the second game.
peace out brothers