a great strategy game with tons of action that any rts gamer will love to play. i simply addore it. there is also game 2

User Rating: 9.6 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
battle for middle earth is an impressive game. has a great campaign with lots of events based on the movie and books. myself i am a lord of the rings fan and have whatch all the movies, read all the books and played both of the games(only have beat one cause i dont own the other). by playing this game you will learn the story and names of all the character , warriors, where it takes place and moore. as you all know the story is about a fellowship of people, hobbits, dwarves, and elves go on a quest to destroy one evel ring. that is what your mission is in the game. there is also normal skirmishes and online battling with people from around the world or in just your area.