Battle for Middle Earth captures the magic of the trilogy perfectly but lacks a little bit of depth.
User Rating: 8.4 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
Battle for Middle Earth is a great game, no doubt. The visuals are really great (hard to imagine the engine originally came from C&C Renegade) and the sound and music score ist very well made too. So you are drawn into a game that is basically a playable version of the trilogy, nothing more. It lacks a little bit of depth and is far away from gameplay juggernauts like Rome:TW but what can you expect from a game that is based on the most simplistic story available: good vs evil - no turn of events, no suprises, nothing. Basically BFME is like a no-frill airline. You get what you pay for and you get a lot of it for but no extras. You'll get a great game but don't expect anything new. One more thing: For every great mission in the game (like Minas ...) there are 3-4 dump anonymous "kill them all" maps to do in between - that is a bit odd and reduces the gameplay experience somewhat.