Unique and worth playing for those whose seen the movie or read the book but it does have some problems

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring PS2
First of all, this game is short. I beat it in one day, it lasting maybe around 5 to 10 hours. Even though I played through 3 or 4 levels without saving, died, and had to do it over I still beat it in a day and that happened on numerous occasions. Two times I found a glitch in the Mines of Moria when you play as Gandalf that I fell through the floor and died, not having saved in a while I was forced to do it over. Which is why I say save often. The combat is not very special just a hack and slash pretty much, however while playing as Aragorn your able to stab and kick and whatnot. The graphics are not horrible but they are not that great, and you can see exactly what I mean by looking at the screens for this game. The game is filled with some fun moments like at the beginning when you must sneak around the nazgul, and you will often feel like your reliving the book, as you stay in Rivendale and fight the Nazgul off at Weathertop.On the back it says you play as Frodo Aragorn, and Gandalf, which is true but hardly. You play a level as Gandalf as you make your way to the Mines of Moria and you play as him through the mines, thats it. The majority of the game you spend as Frodo or Aragorn.
Being able to disappear with the ring, I never really did. I found it annoying as if you use it too long you will die. I never used it once in the game, even when it told you too. This game is not definitely not a ten, however it is a
boring Saturdays best friend.