A great game, but it just aint right :(
1. if there were more stages from the movie to play on (Like in the tomb where you could fight Denethor as Gandalf )
2. if the game, of course, wasn’t so short
3. if there were more combos and tricks cause I’m sick of doing all the same tricks and combos as in the two towers
4. if Sam and Frodo didn’t have supernatural powers so they can kill as many uruks and orks as they like. I mean COME ON they're only small hobbits with little knifes as weapons.
5. if the hobbitsis didn’t have freak in KNIVES as melee weapon. No one can carry 50 knives or what ever its is around, and still be running as fast as an ostrich. They could have had rocks or shoes or freaking' glass bottles, but no they have gigantic swords that way about 20 pounds each
6. if the scene, where Aragorn just killed the big black dude outside the black gate, he didn't look like a drunk freak with a large pointy nose. That scene needs some love man
7. if there wouldn’t be: only two kinds of uruks, only two kinds of spiders, only one kind of "men of Gondor", only 8. If they had deleted the mission where you have to kill the dead king of the mountain. IT DID NOT FIND PLACE IN THE MOVIE. maybe in the books BUT NOT IN THE MOVIE i think
9. If the orks and uruks didn’t run "thru' the black gate". and at last (10.) why they didn’t just forget all about making that stupid bonus level that never ends. I struggled to reach to that level but i got a terrible surprise when I got attacked by 40 archers and 20 Easterlings in one, and it really has no point at all. That game really ended to be a bad experience for me
Positive stuff: The grafics are great, the storyline is great, the three paths are wery well designed, the last mission SUCKS