we know that movies based on games are not usually right (the only ones I liked were the Warcraft movie and Prince of Persia), but when is the movie-based game? The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is based on the Peter Jackson films (it's not based on Tolkien's books), it's very good, even more so. (GoldenEye 007, Wolverine Origins, The Warriors, etc) who played the game back in time, is a Hack 's Slash game with some RPG elements, and the game has plenty of enemies on the screen, the gameplay works well, the game is true to the movie, so much so that in the cutscenes of the film, but the way the story is told is confusing, the chronology is very strange, it's not exactly the same as the movie, and the beginning of the game is the battle that happens at the end of the movie The Two Towers, it's very confusing, game matches the amount of game characters, from Aragorn to Gandalf, is a good amount, another hit is the soundtrack that is very good, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is a very good game, not the best game of the saga, but it is among the best, has a confusing history and can get a bit repetitive in the game progress, but it's worth a lot, it's a great game. Note 84
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