Fun?-Hell yeah!Good cinematics?-hell yeah! Great Story?-Hell yeah! Great multiplayer?-Well...yeah
You played The Two Towers.You liked it.
If those are true,you won't have a problem playing this sequel to the series.
In this game you have Three Different Paths.
1.Path of the Wizard.You play as Gandalf and battle Saruman's goons and defend Minas Tirith and stuff.
2.Path of the Warrior.You play as either Aragorn,Gimli or Legolas and battle in the places you've seen in the movie
3.Path of the Hobbits.You play as Sam Gamgee and your'e goal is to protect Frodo and reach Mount Doom.
After you Finish all three paths there will be a level called The Black Gate where you either play as Gandalf,Aragorn,Gimli or Leoglas.
The game itself is pretty cool but there are a few bugs.
The Co-op is pretty good except for the fact that the camera is to small and you don't really have much space.
If you finish different levels there will be some extras like interviews and stuff.
And after you finish the game(here comes the good part) there is a Palantir where you only battle foes,you don't have any quests.
This game is for every LOTR fan out there and you can spend tons of fun playing it,with a friend or alone.