Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King is a surprisingly good game. Fans, this game is for you, as long as it lives.
User Rating: 8.1 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PC
Introduction: I didn't expect much from this game. I have recently watched the extended edition trilogy all over again, and I felt that I need some more of it. So I bought the game, and I started playing. I find the combat system very simple and good. I LOVED the character's levels thing and the fact that you can upgrade all of your characters, and you can see the differences in-game. Sound: The sound is probably the best part in the game. Most of the characters from the original movie are there, the background music is beautiful and the sound effects are amazing. Nothing less, nothing more - the sound rocks. Graphics: Well, this game came out almost 2 years ago, so it's hard to judge. Even for today, the graphics are acceptable, and even good. I find them better than GTA: San Andreas in some aspects. Value and Gameplay: The game isn't very re-playable, but when you are playing, it realy grows on you. You feel that you are part of the movie and the whole ring journey. Though there are upgrades, levels and a good combat system, in it's heart, LOTR:ROTK is a simple game, with some advanced feauters. There are only few levels, and you can finish the game by 5-6 hours. But on the other hand, It gives you the right feeling, and for me - that's enough. Overall: If you are a LOTR fan, you probably played this game already. If not, do it. If you are not a fan, you can still find here a good action game, as long as it lives. VERY RECOMMENDED