Fun! Chop things! Shoot things! stab everything until it stops moving!
User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
A fun game that could have been excellent. This game is very fun. I got close to 20 or so hours with each character and had the game mastered before I traded it away. Each character except frodo is very fun to play. They all have their distinct style of coolness thta makes them fun to use. Aragorn for example, you feel like a warrior that just doesn't stop. Gimli you feel like a short man with something to prove(deadly). Legolas you feel guided by reflex and instinct to the point that your skills are driven to the point that it's divine intervention. Gandalf you are THEE wizard of the age and you got the skills to, you have the skills to kill the person who's billing you while sitting around watching family guy.(You can also go to the bathroom(in the toilet) without getting up).Sam you feel like you are a brave and foolhardy hero of skill, but lacking in moveset and strength. Frodo you feel like a kid with a stick playing G.I. Joe in the frontyard. The sound of the game is good and accurate to the movies but still feels appropriate and actual game music. Hitting things is very satisfying. With any character, your pigsticker thwacks against enemies with an awesome kind of medieval and bloody feel, the sound of it going through your opponents flesh is really good sounding and sadisticly pleasurable, and the finishing blow sounds like...Well, you know it's dead. Anyway, leveling up is the best thing ever. Most games you just get something that says you've leveled up. Others you just get stronger over time. In this one, your blue bar of exp resets and nice blue circle animation appears at your health bar and you think"YES! I'M MORE COOLER NOW! GO ME!" And then you go on to make a perfect kill on every single enemy in the level. For some reason it is very satisfying to see enemies die in this game.
The only setbacks to this game are small movesets, shortness, and lack of characters or just mroe styles of combat to use. All the movesets have the same button input but still all feel different. Too bad there aren't more. The shortness is really sucky. You can beat the game in about one morning or so. The of characters. There are 4 out of 6 worth using. A good success rate, but still not enough. The co-op is pretty fun but so is co-op on any other game.
The game's OVERALL simplicity gives it this score. Otherwise it would have had a 9 out of 10