Easily the best game in the series - still though the series suffers from odd camera angle choices and movie cutscenes.
I spose for the LOTR junkies the actual movie cutscenes are cool - but to me they just seem lazy. Why render when we can drop in a movie file?
Also still there are some battles that are just weird and cameras will switch on you depending on what side of the baddie you are standing on. NOT cool.
This leads to migraine medicine purchases and frustrating gameplay.
The game is fun with a friend and I would imagine playing alone is not as much fun.
The game is not a deep RPG by any means and is basically a button pusher combo game with LOTR slapped across the front of the box.
Really basic, pretty fun, defintley frustrating - there are much better RPGs and action games but this one is pretty OK - especially if you are a LOTR nut.