LOTR:ROTK is a very enjoyable, cinematic game.

User Rating: 8.3 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
Return of the king is a great game which nicely finishes off the trilogy. It is the best in the series.

The gameplay is very simple hack and slash and is very easy to grasp. You will find yourself fighting off hoards of easterlings, orks, urak hai, trolls and more with your choice of one of 9 playable characters. As you battle through the levels you will have acess to upgrades which you can boost your characters with. ROTK also includes a enjoyable multiplayer mode, which plays through the single player mode on co-op.

The graphics are impressive. While the characters all look tasty on the ps2 console, the background and enviroments you will be fighting on vary and are impressive in detal. My main fault concerning the graphics of this game is the fact that none of the characters mouths move when they are speaking. This is made very obvious in the cut scenes.

The game sounds great. And has a soundtrack which fits the LOTR style nicely.

There is incentive to continue playing the game upon completion. Being that there are several dificulty settings, a multiplayer aspect, abilities to unlock and the fact that the campaign is fun. There is also quite a few interviews with the films stars and game developers to unlock. While all this does add many hours of gameplay, it is not everlasting.

Upon completion of the main storyline missions you will also unlock the ability to use any character on any level. This means you could take Gimli to Shelob's lair, or maybe fight as Gandalf at Cirith Ungul.

LOTR: ROTK is a great weekly hire for any action fan and a very worthy purchase for any Lord Of The Rings fan.